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OIDC configuration for Apache

If your website or application is hosted on Apache web server, there are several options to configure it with OIDC behind CERN SSO:

  • For Apache-based web applications that are behind the SSO, you may consider the CERNSSO Apache module
  • If you are already using the "apache" puppet module, you can simply include the mod_auth_openidc sub-module in your manifest: include ::apache::mod::auth_openidc.


  • To configure OIDC, you need to define the following in your configuration files or puppet code:
    OIDCClientID myclientid
    OIDCClientSecret myclientsecret
    OIDCCryptoPassphrase mycrytopassphrase
    OIDCProviderTokenEndpointAuth client_secret_basic
    OIDCRemoteUserClaim email
  • NB: If you do this with Puppet, please use tbag/teigi for your secrets! You may also wish to change some of these parameters depending on your application.
  • If you have a more complex web application that mixes public and private pages, you can use the location directive to protect pages. E.g.
    <Location /private/>
      AuthType openid-connect
      Require  claim cern_roles:admin
  • If you want your web application to accept not only standard SSO browser-based logins, but also OIDC tokens, then you need to configure it as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server. Ideally, it should be done with a separate module, mod_oauth2 (however, it is not covered by this documentation). The alternative is to use a deprecated feature of mod_auth_openidc module, adding the following to your configuration (as explained in the docs):