
The main components of the services are:

  • A Single Sign-On service, based on Keycloak, providing federated and social authentication and supporting SAML and OIDC protocols. This service is replacing the previous Single Sign-On service based on Microsoft ADFS.
  • A Users Portal, where users can manage their own accounts.
  • A Groups Portal, where users can define static and dynamic groups, including external (non-CERN) members.
  • An Applications Portal, where application owners can register their applications for Single Sign-On and configure the applications authorization schemes.
  • A Resources Portal, where users can visualize and manage their subscriptions to IT services and list their resources.
  • An API that can be used to automate the users, groups and applications management (for extensive documentation of these entities check here).
  • WLCG IAM instances; OAuth Token Issuers for CERN Experiment participants to access grid computing.